Mindfulness to Creativity for Confidence: Week 3 at Vindhya E-Infomedia

Mindfulness to Creativity for Confidence: Week 3 at Vindhya E-Infomedia

In 2014 Gallup report, it said that the bulk of employees worldwide — 63% — are “not engaged,” meaning they lack motivation and are less likely to invest discretionary effort in organizational goals or outcomes. And 24% are “actively disengaged,” indicating they are unhappy and unproductive at work, and liable to spread negativity to coworkers.

On week 3 at Vindhya, we had committed ourselves to pull off a session with “Mindfulness” and “Creativity for Confidence”, to help Vindhya, as an organization, to disapprove reports like Gallup! Mentor Ambaresh opened up the world of mindfulness to its employees for greater productivity and satisfaction. The lessons taught would help them grow, both personally and professionally. He made employees undergo small exercises and they reciprocated with overwhelming gratitude towards us! Their smiling faces, calm postures and kind words after the session said it all!Mentor India at Vindhya Infomedia

Mindfulness session was followed by a quick introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming, a powerful tool to enhance your inner strength and train your brains to achieve unprecedented results. Having experienced Mindfulness and NLP, the employees were fascinated with the new learnings and the fascinating discoveries they made on themselves.

We took a short 10 min break, while Mentor Shashank was engrossed into bringing alive the artwork, which was used in an exercise to stimulate creativity. This was the Live Creativity session, where teams donned their creative hats to come up with a poem based on a theme. This session focused on sentence structuring, out-of-the-box thinking and attempting to connect the dots which we see in our everyday lives. Quite a few of them wrote their first poem and were thrilled!

As you’re aware, we have two big sectors in our society as we know it. The private sector, which is rooted in extrinsic motivations like money, power, and fame. On the other end, we have the voluntary sector that is rooted in very intrinsic sort of motivations like compassion, knowledge, and purpose. Week 3 was a perfect testimony of the advantage of using our curriculum among the corporate employees. We portrayed how effectively our classes can help employees bring their intrinsic values to work, thus enhancing productivity and spreading positivity.Mentor India at Vindhya Infomedia

Basically, our last class at Vindhya was a big hit, and the whole session was a learning process for us as well. It strengthened our ideas that the Mentor India curriculum, when polished and tweaked, is perfect for corporate employees.

Meanwhile, as for our Mentor India rural endeavour, please get in touch with us if you would like to sponsor the printing cost of Mitra Pustak and our future sessions in schools (we still are figuring out how to raise the funds for it) or put us in touch with someone who would be interested in sponsoring for a cause like this.

Do recommend schools to us that you think require us the most, if they are on your radar. We are finalizing on them. Also, most importantly, do get in touch with us if you would like to volunteer to teach our batches.

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