Why We Need Role Models Like Sangeeta In The Khekra Community!

Why We Need Role Models Like Sangeeta In The Khekra Community!

How easy it is to close eyes on matters which need urgent attention in our country?

When given a choice do you feel helpless or roll up your sleeves?

As easy and entitled as it is to do nothing, some heroic ones choose to rather work than rest!

One such hero is our brave Sangeeta Yadav! 🙂

A Slight Switch From Competitive Exams to Field Work

Growing up in Lucknow and then completing Masters of Social Work (MSW) from NIT, Allahabad, Sangeeta was fixated on competing in NET, JRF and CSIR. The outlook of this enrolment plan took a 360 degree turn once she got a first-hand experience of working in the social sector. It gave her an honest chance to work alongside underprivileged people, rather than just reading about their problems in books and watching them in movies!

Once she was in it for real, it’s like her heart had found a home for devotion! It wasn’t as easy as it looks she says… far from it! Coming from a family where an array of her siblings had cleared these competitive exams and made a substantial career through it, no one in her family was in support of her decision to get into social work. For an ordinary someone, not having family’s support might break their spirit; but in Sangeeta’s case, something exactly the opposite happened!

Instead of getting discouraged, she set on a mission to prove that this noble cause was worth it. She also wanted to prove that her degree of MSW is way more valuable than just being a receipt for the eligibility criteria of these exams. More than anything she wanted others pursuing MSW, to be aware of this opportunity of understanding the real life scenario of villagers along with the issues they faced!

So she decided to find something suitable in the NGO sector. After being disappointed by some rejections, she finally received an opportunity to work in Mission Samriddhi. Needless to say that became her little lamp of hope! 

Sangeeta Yadav with Tarkeybein (1)
Sangeeta (with Queen cap!) during Tarkeybein’s guardian workshop in Khekra!

An Overwhelming Welcome By Mission Samriddhi

When asked about her involvement with Mission Samriddhi, she says,

“When I learned about this assignment, I didn’t even know where Khekra was placed on the Indian map. When I took a train from Lucknow to reach there, due to two unfortunate delays, my father and I had to travel in a general bogie, sitting on a luggage chamber with our necks tilted the whole time. While it was difficult for me as well, to see my father going through these efforts to get me to my destination, I, then and there, had made up my mind to see only positives on this route and make it worthy!”

This was just one of the difficulties she faced on this journey. And that perhaps was just the beginning of her challenges!

Experiencing Hostility & Providing Hospitality!

Entering one of the criminal belt areas, her welcome by the villagers was more hostile than she could have ever imagined. Most locals were not ready to rent a house to a single girl. They couldn’t understand the concept of a working women, and this was followed by a lot of strange and offending looks!  In fact this no-house situation got so bad that she almost considered wearing a fake ring on her engagement finger, just to get some acceptance!

Gladly she didn’t have to resort to that and found a home for herself. But finding a home to live was far different than finding a place into the hearts of the people who lived there. They still didn’t trust her, and in fact, they doubted every bit of her intention. But she knew in her heart that it’s a matter of time before this distrust turns into trust. So, she took off with the work that she was there to do, and got right into it!

To give some context, Mission Samriddhi works at the grass root level at villages for community development, education, women empowerment and self help groups; and Sangeetha today is the most trusted link between  villagers and Mission Samriddhi officials. She even acts as a strong link between any other NGO/trust like Ullas Balakendra and our organisation – Tarkeybein Education Foundation; who genuinely want to work for the betterment of the villagers.

In her words, she says, “When I came to this place to work, I didn’t have many to guide me. I learned through experimentation, with always a little fear inside. But now that I know it’s possible, I want to be there for others who want to join in”.

Sangeeta Yadav with Tarkeybein
Team Khekra!

A Combination Of Steadfast Intention & Solid Inner Strength

Before you are convinced that Sangeeta’s work is now free from challenges, you might want to know about her recent horrific experience. Some men tried to break into her house, in the middle of the night, the intention of which is still unknown because nothing was stolen! Thankfully she was not in town at that time, and was safe on her way to Lucknow. Imagine how a 20-something girl gathered the strength to go back to her commitment after this incident, knowing that this can happen again anytime! Compelled to ask what gives her the strength and hope in difficult times like these, she says, 

“Whenever I get a little success, just a bit; like a woman getting some work for her livelihood, some government school teachers working with excitement, the sight of children smiling and learning with hope in their eyes, and so on- it pushes me a little further. I also believe that social work is one of the most noble work one can commit to and my heart really resonates with it.”

Sangeeta says that at times when she fails to find her light, it’s her brother’s words that act as her polestar. “When I was leaving my home to move to Khekra, he told me, ‘If something bad, something disappointing happens, don’t forget the address of your home!’

What an inspiration Sangeeta Yadav is to us and the community she’s living in. While she gushes about what her light of hope is, we can see how she is now a light to so many people in the village of Khekra! And this is what makes Sangeeta an unsung hero, a role model that everyone can look up to. Sangeeta displays all 4 qualities that we believe a role model posseses – An “I Can” mindset, an unstoppable spirit, self-awareness and engagement with the community!

Can you imagine, if one Sangeeta can be such a light to so many people in the community, how would it be if Khekra had many more such individuals. Does that mean we need to bring more people to Khekra? How about grooming the youth of Khekra, who are still welcome to change, into becoming like Sangeeta? Not a copy paste, but their own unique self. What if we could become the instrument to help the youth of Khekra to realise their qualities, their strengths and their hidden superpowers?

The KnowYourStar student leader fellowship is designed with a similar intention. It aims to create many more young Sangeetas in the government schools of Khekra, who will in turn become a light to their classmates, schoolmates, family members, and go on to inspire the entire community they live in! Sangeeta is on board with us, are you? 🙂

Enjoyed reading about this? Then you might like to read Crowdfunding Alert – Gift “Know Your Star” Role Model Story Workbook Series – 5 Volumes To Rural And Underprivileged Students

If there’s a story that needs to be told, we are ready to tell it. Write to us at contact@knowyourstar.com with your story lead, or contact us on Facebook or Twitter.

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