Thursday Email – Crowdfunding Alert – Gift “Know Your Star” Role Model Books To The Rural/Underprivileged Students!

Thursday Email – Crowdfunding Alert – Gift “Know Your Star” Role Model Books To The Rural/Underprivileged Students!


After all the talk about our Know Your Star books, they are finally ready to roll and reach every child. 🙂 We have launched a crowdfunding campaign on LetzChange to ensure that. As Sadhana Konnur, our volunteer illustrator of the book, put it beautifully –

I feel the sole purpose of this book series is to reach every nook and corner of the world, wherever there is a dream.. a dream to become someone!”

Today’s birthday boy, Jaideep Rao, went live on Facebook to talk about this too, and you can watch it here. 🙂 That said, while these books are designed for every student, we are crowdfunding to cater to the rural and underprivileged students we work with across 24 schools, who cannot afford these books, but can really really benefit from it. This is where we need your timely help!
The “Know Your Star” role model book series is a set of 5 volumes, with 50 stories and provides awareness of 50 unique professions. It has the ability to open up a world full of hope, opportunities and possibilities to every student and plant strong dreams! 🙂

You can gift this book of possibilities to one student by contributing INR 1000. We are targeting to reach all 5000 students we work with. How many students can you help us reach?

Recommended reads for the week –

With gratitude, smiles and cheers,


Pranita Bhat

Co-Founder at KnowYourStar

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“And as I go along life’s way, reapin’ better than I sowed. I’m drinkin’ from my saucer, ’cause my cup has overflowed!”

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