Thursday Email – India Inclusion Summit 2017 Is Just Round The Corner. Meet Us There!

If you’ve been reading our blog posts, you will have noticed that around November, we start mentioning the India Inclusion Summit or IIS a lot. Though we aren’t a formal part of the IIS team, we’ve always admired and supported their journey in any way we can. We love that we get the chance to rub shoulders with so many extraordinary people, and work alongside fellow inclusivity enthusiasts.
Jaideep has been a part of IIS in a big way, and there’s an inside joke that IIS time is Jaideep’s yearly sabbatical! While that’s pretty much true, the rest of us have been contributing to KYS for 5 years now, and volunteering for the cause of achieving an Inclusive India has been so fulfilling. You can read more about our journey with IIS here.
After covering Dhruv, Prateek and Shaswat, we have one more story of an inspiring Inclusion fellow for you who is reinventing playgrounds with an inclusive approach with her co-founded design studio –
And as always, in other motivational news, the recommended read for the week –
With gratitude, smiles and cheers,
Pranita Bhat
Co-Founder at KnowYourStar
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Pranita Bhat
Co-Founder at KnowYourStar
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“And as I go along life’s way, reapin’ better than I sowed. I’m drinkin’ from my saucer, ’cause my cup has overflowed!”
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