Thursday Email – Brindavan Tent School Kids Experience Their First Well-Deserved Annual Day!

Last Saturday, we hosted the first annual day function for the kids of Brindavan Tent School. The idea of organising an annual day stemmed from the thought that we should find a way to celebrate the progress these kids have shown in the past school year. From just 4% kids being able to read English in the beginning to 79% being able to read now, the growth that we have seen in each and every kid has been tremendous!
We knew that, you knew that, and the teachers knew that, but we wondered if the kids realised what they had achieved, and what could we do to nudge them to aspire to continue on this path of progress? We celebrated Annual Day in the school to celebrate the achievements of every kid, and we did it in style! From performances by famous and talented singers to sumptuous food hand-cooked by heartful volunteers, we are so grateful to all the visible and invisible people responsible behind the transformation of Brindavan Tent School.
Read all about how the classroom turned into a dance floor. We blogged about it for you! (Link in the recommended reads below!) That said, of course we do not want to miss any opportunity for your support, big or small, visible or invisible. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers! Pulling off these events are proof that the universe is listening, not just to us, but to you all. Thanks for putting in a good word! 😉
Recommended reads for the week –
- Brindavan Tent School Kids Rocked Their First Annual Day Celebrations!
- Anshul Sinha – The Filmmaker Who Is Using His Art To Showcase Social Issues
With gratitude, smiles and cheers,
“And as I go along life’s way, reapin’ better than I sowed. I’m drinkin’ from my saucer, ’cause my cup has overflowed!”
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