Thursday Email – Building Student Leaders To Achieve The Dream!

Thursday Email – Building Student Leaders To Achieve The Dream!


Last week, we shared with you – “Why KnowYourStar?” to address the problem we are trying to solve in the world. So it was only natural that the next question we would want to address is “What do we do at KnowYourStar?” to solve that problem! 🙂
To answer this question, of course we made another infographic!
(We are so thrilled with the responses we’re getting since we started creating them. Thank you!!! We are so happy that you’re enjoying them!)
[Refer featured image]

What we have set out to do is to create student leaders that can be role models in their school and community. The intention is to create 100 student leaders by 2019, and impact 500 students in their ecosystem through these young changemakers!

To achieve that, we have developed so many tools and platforms over the years, that are all fitting in together like a jigsaw puzzle, waiting for the change to take place! 🙂 Currently we are designing a 2-year Student Leader Fellowship for students in 8th and 9th grade, who will engage with 5th and 6th grade students in a buddy system. We will talk about it in more detail in the coming weeks! 🙂
Do give the content in the infographic a thought and tell us what you think!
Recommended reads for the week –
With gratitude, smiles and cheers,

Pranita Bhat
Co-Founder at KnowYourStar
Facebook Twitter Instagram

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

Liked reading this? Then you might also like to read Thursday Email – Does Our Dream World Resonate With Yours? 🙂

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