Thursday Email – Say Hello To Your Inner Superhero! :)

Thursday Email – Say Hello To Your Inner Superhero! :)


All the best heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary.
— Gerard Way

Most of us have grown up reading superhero comics and watching superhero cartoons; right from Spiderman and Batman to our very own Shaktimaan! When we asked our students at Paranga Vidya Kendra who their favorite heroes were, we got a long list of superheroes including Chota Bheem! (No one was aware of the female superheroes, but that’s a whole another awareness issue for us to tackle!)

When we asked them, “What about you guys?”, they just looked at us like we were crazy! This was followed by some interesting discussion as we transitioned from reel-life superheroes to the real-life superheroes. All this was a base to our real activity of introducing problem solving skills to our kids.


From saying we cannot solve these problems to achieving crowdfunding and learning classroom management skills, crossing the bridge didn’t take too long for these little champs. All they needed was someone to make them aware of their hidden superpowers, which we were very happy to do. You can watch this movie unfold in the little video we published here, where the students have a message for you!

P.S. We are closing our Lanternship registrations in a week’s time. 🙂

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With gratitude, smiles and cheers,
Pranita Bhat
Co-Founder at KnowYourStar
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“You’re going to make a difference. A lot of times it won’t be huge, it won’t be visible even. But it will matter just the same.” — James Gordon

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